ChecksProcessing Account Terms
ACH/eCheck MDR (%) 5 to 10% – Depending on Your Business Process (Higher return threshold)
Credit Card MDR(% 8 to 15% -Depending on Your Business Process (Max is 5% return ratio)
Per Transaction Fee .50 Cents (PCI Compliance, ATM Verified Charges)
Monthly Gateway Fee $45
Credit Card Charge-back $65  / ACH eCheck Draft Return Rate $35
Refund Processing Fee $25
Settlement Wire Fee(% Money Transfer Direct Deposit (Wire), or a BitCoin wallet will be required for weekly payouts.
Acquiring Currency USD
Settlement Currency USD/ or in Your Local currency based on Country of origin.
Settlement Policy Funded every-Friday  – Always 5 business days in the rear from the last charge meeting min. threshold.
(Optional) Reserve (10%) Conditions Apply. (A 10% six-month rolling reserve is required) if you exceed the allowed return ratio of 5%, or your monthly volume falls below your normal weekly processing amount.

Note: If your payment amount is less than $2,500 within a week, it will be deferred to the next payment date or a maximum of 90 days until the minimum settlement amount has been reached. All funding is weekly, at the minimum amount on Friday, always five business days in the rear. If, for any reason, the minimum amount has not been reached or a maximum of 20 successful charges have been completed, the amount automatically will roll over to the next scheduled weeks’ payment date.

I/We the Company completed the above merchant account application truthfully and honestly to the best of my knowledge as required to the pursuit of perjury under the law of the United States of America and the State of Florida. If I am found to have lied or misled any of the questions or information as requested by this form, I could face legal consequences and will be held 100% responsible for my actions under the banking and financial laws of the State of Florida.

 U.S. BankCard Processing (BCP) is providing you with a PCI Compliant merchant clearing-house platform which will help to increase my business revenue and overall sales progress. U.S. BankCard Processing will also work as an independent billing and support department, providing my customers with an extra layer of payment security protection and compliance, reducing the chances of receiving unwanted returns. U.S. BankCard Payment Processing provides these services all based on my account approval and ongoing compliance with valid transactions and services. I agree to the following fees and terms set forth by U.S. BankCard Processing, and I also agree to have the approved percentage deducted from my daily remittances on credit card transactions and the suggested MDR on ACH/ eCheck charges, along with a per transaction item fee for additional PCI Compliance. ChecksProcessing clients are subject to an initial account deposit if required for Check drafts to be created and cleared for processing.


Processing transactions as stated above in detail: Chargeback Fee of $65 per item, Return Check Fee $35 per item, refund fee $25 per item. Weekly funding is on a minimum of $2,500 in commissions, not the total amount processed or 20 paid transactions; additional funding options may be available for higher-volume accounts. All remittance due is funded via domestic or International money wire transfer, with the funds’ transfer fee automatically deducted from each payout at the time of transfer. I also understand that my discount rate may verify based on my verbal agreement with said ISO Agent/ or (Company) and the terms with (US-BCP). Directly.


I am fully aware that I am to be funded in full, always being five business days in the arrears from the prior week’s approved charge dates. If for any reason I do not understand or agree to all the terms of this agreement, that will automatically make this agreement none and void and initiate all completed successful charges subject to be automatically held for a period of no less than 90 days from that date of the last charge return without exceptions.


An additional temporary holdback may be imposed if your weekly transactional volume decreases more than 25% of your current weekly processing volume. (US-BCP) may change the fees and rates shown above from time to time for any increase in charges from financial institutions, financial networks, and or other service product providers.

By completing the form and signing this agreement, I swear under oath that I am performing a legal, ethical and legitimate business under State of Local Government laws of the United States of America. All moral standards are being upheld to the best of my abilities/ (Company).


Please sign below that you agree to these terms of services and will abide by this legal agreement, merchant relationship, which binds them. Ensuring that every charge processed is in full compliance with Federal Law set forth by NACHA Regulations of the United States of America. You are funded every Friday – Always five business days in the rear from the last charge meeting min. Threshold.